Someone called Kowalski says the idea of a cure for the disabling aspects of autism doesn't make sense, as she claims the disabling aspects are the "flipsides" of the amazing capabilities that "they" have. Well, that seems so convincing since she decided not to mention that the disabling aspects are concentrated in the autistics who are lower functioning, the same ones who get few of the benefits, while the ones on the spectrum who get the lion's share of the amazing capabilities, are often the ones who aren't saddled with the burden of the disabling aspects, and go on without impairments. So when it comes to an individual, the disabling aspects aren't inseparable from the capabilities. But across the spectrum, the flipsides are inherent.
This is another instance of an anti-cure slime disregarding and lying about the tremendous gap in functional level between the very high-functioning aspies and the similar, and the low-functioning. Some of them even pretend to be disgusted by the idea of involving hierarchy, by saying they don't like the hierarchy that the use of high and low functioning labels creates! Heeelllooo?! The hierarchy is already around, and has been around for a long time, the same hierarchy that you benefit from, and consequently support and defend with considerable effort! What do you think it's called the autistic SPECTRUM for? These phonies are not clueless about the unfair reality, and are basically trying to distract and confuse others from it and about it, to keep themselves from looking like the greedy elites that they really are!