Monday, September 14, 2009

listen up nutjobs!

What would timelord and the other guy do if they didn't have me to bash? Where do you get off calling me "lazy" after all you heard of me?! What makes you so much more diligent than me? Whether or not I personally don't deserve to be spared of your ridicule isn't the issue to me. I would detest letting you make an example out of me, making out what you do to me a reason why one shouldn't dare stand against the agenda you defend. I also hate that you ridicule and try to undermine others who really are innocent. I can't ignore that you and your phony friends use me to try to boost your egos and reputations, anytime I raise an objection, even well after I said something! I think you get too much pleasure from demonizing me. And timelord, stop trying to silence me! Stop trying to muzzle anyone who doesn't tolerate your crazy ideas!


  1. Who cares what you hate or detest? You count for nothing, you say so yourself. Um, am I "the other guy"? Please, give credit where it's due.

  2. I was kind of thinking of you and David Andrews. I think lots of others hate the same things I complain of. Even though I'm not someone who would ultimately benefit from what I or others advocate, I think it's the ideas that matter.

  3. You have to call Phil Gluyas by his given name to make him respond to you. He knows you're talking about him when you call him a nutjob but he pretends he doesn't understand unless you use his full name.

  4. I was surprised that egomaniac hasn't responded to me so far.

  5. Do you think Clay has Alzheimer's? He would have been classified 4-F if he was this crazy when he joined the Navy.

  6. Oh wah wah wah!

    Cresp, if anyone has an ego problem it's you. I'm crushing it as it deserves to be and you can't handle it because I've worked you out. I'm not the only one either. I call you lazy because that's what you are. You can work. You are NT. You have no excuse. You try to hang around the Autistic community to justify yourself, and I make an example out of you because you ask for it. You are not innocent. Neither are the others I have a go at. I don't get pleasure out of demonising you. I do it because it needs to be done to protect the community from dead wood. And that's what you are. I do it out of annoyance - not pleasure.

    You deserve to be silenced. You have nothing to contribute to the Autistic community. You should be contributing elsewhere. In real life. Get off your rear end and do something with your life. You have no excuse. Calling my ideas "crazy" only proves that you are desperate to justify your bona fide laziness. I'm not falling for it, and neither is anyone else. You are a liar, a cheat and if you were on SSI a swindler who I would report in a heartbeat.

    I had a feeling you'd open a blog after you were kicked off umpteen others!

    Best, that wouldn't have made any difference.

  7. Phil, you tell the truth about almost nothing about me. Don't bother saying those things about me since you basically are admitting that you're slandering me because you don't like what I say.

    Prove that I can work and that I'm lazy. Why would I want to spend my time here arguing with lunatics like you, if I could have a job and a life along with it? What does it matter that I'm NT if I am when I'm so mentally impaired? I haven't been on SSI or similar programs, and I wouldn't bother trying to get such programs that I don't want. The reasons I hang around the autistic "community" are unusual but it's not to justify myself or whatever. I wonder how you're protecting the community when you so self-righteously chastise nearly anyone involved who dare disagree with you.

    What do you want me to do with my life and how, considering that I lack so much capability? What have you made out of your own situation that would prove that you are a responsible person? I wonder what you're contributing that is so helpful.

  8. I wouldn't bother trying to get such programs that I don't want.

    There it is. That's lazy. Why don't you want them? Because they can't help? BULLSHIT!! You don't want help - because you are LAZY!!

    You want me to stop? Prove that you aren't lazy. Prove that you have a legit problem. Go to a psychiatrist and get a formal diagnosis.

    Until then - I stand by what I said. You are NT. You are a liar and a cheat. The burden of proof is on you.

  9. Billy, if you are not lazy then help me out as well. Help me to take on the American system and the American way itself. Help me to challenge it Billy. Help me to challenge this constitution and these so called inalienable rights we supposedly have.

    Ask these advocates for self-responsibility, republicans, and right wingers and colonial traditionalists how we can derive any right from God or nature all.

    You have alot of spare time on your hands billy. I do not. Research this constitution and the history behind it.

    Research the founding fathers and make these advocates prove these founding fathers were always right.

    Billy, if you and others can help me to bust this system then we can bring about change not through might, not through power, but spirit, reason, and love alone.

    Learn more about the Socratic method and Sorcates as well.

    Billy, ND is actually on your side. I agree with some of the things you say. That's why I support ND. I'm sick of these advocates and their evil, wicked, conniving, and manipulative ways with their bullshit cliched phrases.

    Billy, I see potential in you. Billy, become the change that you want to see in the world. I'm making an effort to do so and by doing that I'm stepping outside of this closed and isolated American system into a better way which is based upon honesty, integrity, and love.

  10. Billy, we ASDs should not even think about ourselves. We have to expand beyond that. We have to expand beyond ND itself.

    Billy, personally this is what I think ND is doing wrong especially us ASDs. We are doing 2 things wrong.

    1. We're fighting hate with more hate(bashing NTs)

    2. We love only ourselves. We have to love outside of ourselves. Even though JBJR has done some insidious things I still have to love him as a fellow human being as well.

    This goes to all ASDs and NTs who support ND as well. We must not do it the Malcom X or the black panther party way.

  11. Phil, I don't want to live off of government money. I probably would have a hassle trying to get it anyway and may end up being deemed ineligible for it. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to go through hassles to get things I need, which I have been doing. I'm starting to get help now.

    "Prove that you have a legit problem" In what way am I to do that? How have you proven the basis for your problematic situation? Last year, I went to a neurologist who wasn't helpful and was dismissive of what I told him. Shortly after that, I went to a psychiatrist who hadn't listened to enough details about me by the second appointment with him, and when I let him know that one of my goals was to find out what condition I had, he then said that in his opinion I had some condition.

    I didn't see him again till earlier this year when I gave him some forms to fill out for documentation of a diagnosis, so I can get into a vocational program. He initially didn't fill them out completely and legibly, and when I first looked at them, I saw he had wrote in some diagnostic codes but I couldn't tell all the numbers he wrote for it. I and the place I go to for the program have been talking with his office back and forth trying to get the information he was supposed to write down in the first place. I'm in the program now, but I'm not sure if they have all the requested information from him yet.

    Considering that I was in special ed in 1st and 2nd grade and was in some speech class during those same years, that I was in remedial reading in 4th and 5th grade, that I've had below average scores on many standardized tests, and that I've been unable to do so many basic things throughout my nearly earliest and most recent years, what reasonable doubt is there that I have a "legit problem"?

  12. Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!!

  13. Cube, I've been thinking a lot about the flaws in the current American system and how the American way has either faded away, or has been unfit for contemporary challenges. It doesn't seem like it works as well as it should for those who it should benefit. What are your ideas about inalienable rights?

    I wonder how much I could convince conservatives of, considering many of their inane views and hypocritical ideas. I dispise how they promote certain constitutional principles with exaggeration when it suits them, while ignoring or supporting violation of other constitutional provisions. They don't acknowledge the flexibility of the constitution which enabled its provisions to adapt to changing times that couldn't have been anticipated back then. I'd like to make many others think of the ways we challenge the usual notions that the right-wing promote and gain advantage from.

    I wonder how things can be changed only through things like love and reason, paricularly considering the strong and often authoritarian efforts against progressive change coming from those who want to prevent change that would get rid of their priviliged positions.

    How could ND be on my side while their true ideas contradict the ideas of mine that matter a lot, and while if they get their way, awful conditions that I hate would persist? What things don't you like about the advocates?

  14. That doesn't mean I'm not willing to go through hassles to get things I need, which I have been doing. I'm starting to get help now.

    Like opening this blog I suppose?

    Come on, Cresp - let's see something TANGIBLE! WHERE are you getting help? And for what?

    In what way am I to do that?

    Stop posting. Prove that you have trouble reading and writing. Right now you're proving you can read and write perfectly well. Get a diagnosis as well. I've got one (and four confirmations). And I know what the basis is of my issues and I am fighting them - with more courage than you're showing right now! For example;

    Last year, I went to a neurologist who wasn't helpful and was dismissive of what I told him.

    So? That means either you don't have a problem, or you go and get a second opinion!!

    That last paragraph is a lie. Again - look at how you write and read. THAT is how I not only "doubt you have a legit problem", I don't believe it at all!

    How could ND be on my side while their true ideas contradict the ideas of mine that matter a lot, and while if they get their way, awful conditions that I hate would persist?

    If your ideas contradict that of Autistic Advocacy (not ND), then too bad. You aren't one of us - and yet you'd try and stop us from getting what we need just because you don't get what you want? What conditions do you hate? Equality I suppose?

    Shut down this waste of a blog, and if you have a legit problem - go away and deal with it. Leave us alone.

  15. Tangible?! Why don't you show me something tangible to prove things about yourself? I'm getting help at a center that helps those with mental illnesses learn to get jobs, and I have applied for vocational disabilities services to get better help. I'm not sure what constitutes a formal diagnosis. The same psychiatrist who told me that in his opinion I had something put down a diagnosis on a form. I don't have $250 an hour to throw around on psychiatrists and neurologists trying to find one who isn't oblivious to my condition.

    Prove that I have trouble reading and writing? How am I supposed to do that? I'm not proving I can read and write well. I have virtually unlimited time to do the reading and writing I do here, which I have to do carefully and slowly. When I read books, articles, etc., I can only do it slowly, I have poor comprehension, and I tend not to remember many of the things I read even if they're familiar to me when I read it again. What was I in remedial reading for if I can read well? Why did I have low scores on standardized tests that involved reading and writing? How many of my impairments do I have to enumerate to make it undeniable that I am mentally weak?

    "Again - look at how you write and read. THAT is how I not only "doubt you have a legit problem", I don't believe it at all!" All of the ND creeps are of way higher capability compared to me, so why don't you complain to them when they imply they're part of some disability community, or that they have some stake in disability issues, or even that they have mental impairments?

    "And I know what the basis is of my issues and I am fighting them - with more courage than you're showing right now!" What have you done about it that is so significant, considering the pointless stuff you're still wrapped up in?

    "That last paragraph is a lie." How exactly was it a lie?
    "and yet you'd try and stop us from getting what we need" Who am I trying to stop from getting what? Explain these accusations as you drop them. "What conditions do you hate? Equality I suppose?" Stop projecting. It's just pathetic. I hate the conditions of large disparities of capability/aptitude and the inevitable dependence that results. Don't pretend to be so clueless about me. I'm not shutting this down. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you vermin alone.

  16. I don't have $250 an hour to throw around on psychiatrists and neurologists trying to find one who isn't oblivious to my condition.

    Then fucking get it you lazy sod!! IF there is really a problem that is!

    Prove that I have trouble reading and writing? How am I supposed to do that? I'm not proving I can read and write well. I have virtually unlimited time to do the reading and writing I do here, which I have to do carefully and slowly.

    The reason you have plenty of time is because you're lazy. But I don't believe you have plenty of time - if I am to believe you're getting help. You've got a web of lies to untangle.

    How many of my impairments do I have to enumerate to make it undeniable that I am mentally weak?

    Get a diagnosis. It's that simple.

    All of the ND creeps are of way higher capability compared to me, so why don't you complain to them when they imply they're part of some disability community, or that they have some stake in disability issues, or even that they have mental impairments?

    We are LABELLED disabled! We have to fight the definition of "normal" when there shouldn't be one. Here you are pursuing the same label, when unlike us you don't fit the bill.

    What have you done about it that is so significant, considering the pointless stuff you're still wrapped up in?

    Are you calling pushing for an enquiry in our government pointless?

    Who am I trying to stop from getting what?

    Us from getting the support structures we need to overcome the labels society put on us. You being an NT and just lazy puts us in the same box when we don't fucking deserve to be!!

    I hate the conditions of large disparities of capability/aptitude and the inevitable dependence that results.

    So? You do something about it! And don't tell me you can't! That's proof of laziness.

    Don't pretend to be so clueless about me.

    Don't pretend to have problems. I have more of a clue about you than you're willing to admit - and scares the shit out of you.

    I'm not shutting this down. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you vermin alone.

    You will. You have to, if you are serious about dealing with these so called problems of yours - because you won't have time.

    And one more thing;

    Why don't you show me something tangible to prove things about yourself?

    Such as? If you mean my diagnosis and the four confirmations, it's impossible to upload multi page documents on my website without the appropriate software. If not then what the fuck are you talking about?

  17. Get it? Where? I don't have a damn job! Why don't you put down your wrestling and football fantasy hobbies, and get a job, by doing whatever conciliatory things you have to to do so!?
    "Are you calling pushing for an enquiry in our government pointless?" I'll acknowledge the significance of what you're doing when you acknowledge the same about me.
    "You will. You have to, if you are serious about dealing with these so called problems of yours - because you won't have time." Really, then if you are dealing with the problems of your own making, then why do you have any time to do the things you do around here?

    "The reason you have plenty of time is because you're lazy. But I don't believe you have plenty of time - if I am to believe you're getting help. You've got a web of lies to untangle" You won't acknowledge a damn thing I say as you can't handle it or refute it. Stop changing the subject and making baseless points to attempt to undermine my explanations.

    "Get a diagnosis. It's that simple." It's not that simple. I don't need nor can I rely on a pill pushing shrink who usually deals with lunatics and melancholy housewives, to determine I'm mentally impaired. And some of the therapists I've been to over the years didn't deny the impairments I made known to them. I'm not really sure what constitutes a diagnosis.

    "Us from getting the support structures we need to overcome the labels society put on us" How am I preventing that? Think of what you're trying to prevent.
    "So? You do something about it! And don't tell me you can't! " I'm trying to stop the individuals who want to prevent things from being done about it. I speak in favor of increasing the clarity of the understanding of the conditions to be dealt with.

    "Such as? If you mean my diagnosis and the four confirmations, it's impossible to upload multi page documents on my website without the appropriate software." I assume you're telling the truth about things such as that, so why don't you do the same regarding me?

  18. "I'm getting help at a center that helps those with mental illnesses learn to get jobs, and I have applied for vocational disabilities services to get better help."

    Name them!

  19. Anon, you shit eating prick, why don't you give a name to yourself!? I'd be willing to give you a name!

  20. Get it? Where? I don't have a damn job!

    From your government, idiot! They'll have a subsidised service there somewhere!

    Why don't you put down your wrestling and football fantasy hobbies, and get a job, by doing whatever conciliatory things you have to to do so!?

    "This person is not fit for appointment" (Commonwealth Medical Officer report 1997)

    While that report remains on file, I can't work! Simple! And NEVER EVER call what I do with the football and wrestling fucking hobbies! They are all that's keeping me sane right now and don't you fucking forget it!!

    I'll acknowledge the significance of what you're doing when you acknowledge the same about me.

    So where is the significant stuff you're doing huh? Nowhere!

    Really, then if you are dealing with the problems of your own making, then why do you have any time to do the things you do around here?

    I make time because I consider you a threat to the truth. And the problems I have are NOT of my own making BTW!

    You won't acknowledge a damn thing I say as you can't handle it or refute it. Stop changing the subject and making baseless points to attempt to undermine my explanations.

    I'm not changing the subject. You won't tell the truth and I'll prove it with every example I can find. With you, that's as easy as anything. I'll refute it every time. I can't help it if you won't listen.

    It's not that simple. I don't need nor can I rely on a pill pushing shrink who usually deals with lunatics and melancholy housewives, to determine I'm mentally impaired.

    See? You've already made your decision, you lazy fool! You make an excuse by using a stereotypical psychiatrist, which represents the minority of them by the way! They are the ONLY ones with the qualifications to determine if you are truly impaired in the way you claim. So it IS as simple as I said. You're just shit scared of finding out that you're nothing more than lazy and you can't do anything about that!

    And some of the therapists I've been to over the years didn't deny the impairments I made known to them. I'm not really sure what constitutes a diagnosis.

    A piece of paper (maybe multiple pages) that says what's wrong with you. I have that. They didn't acknowledge any impairment in you, which I consider more significant. If they saw something, you'd have that piece of paper.

    How am I preventing that? Think of what you're trying to prevent.

    You are undermining what is needed by opposing the philosophy of neurodiversity. That's how you're preventing it.

    I'm trying to stop the individuals who want to prevent things from being done about it. I speak in favor of increasing the clarity of the understanding of the conditions to be dealt with.

    Then stop trolling! You're not increasing the clarity of it at all. You're clouding it up with your lies and bullshit.

    I assume you're telling the truth about things such as that, so why don't you do the same regarding me?

    Because the evidence is overwhelming that you are a liar. It took you less than two hours to respond to me. If you really had the problems you claim to have, it would have taken all day. IF you were seeking assistance like you claim you were.

    You've got a reputation, Cresp. If you really want to be respected you're going to have to work very hard to resurrect what is right now a joke. That's what you are - a joke.

  21. I probably wouldn't meet the criteria to get some subsidized service due to the lax funding from my government. What threat to the truth? What truth am I lying about? "You make an excuse by using a stereotypical psychiatrist, which represents the minority of them by the way!" I don't think it's really a minority, but I think I have to look for a psychiatrist that actually deals with disorders that cause mental weakness.

    It's up to them to determine a diagnosis, but not to determine that I'm impaired, as it's been obvious to anyone who knows me long enough that I'm very impaired and that I can't help it. My psychiatrist filled out a 4 page form about me which was designed by the agency I go to for vocational help. He filled it out illegibly and incompletely, and I think he's in the process of recompleting it.

    My circumstances aren't due to lazyness. How could lazyness do all of the vile things that have been done to me? It wouldn't make sense at all. So I responded to you within 2 hours. That's enough time for me to deal with and rebut the antics of someone I'm already familiar with. If I was reading a book or article, it would require a long time for me to get just off a first page if I want to understand what I'm reading, and then I couldn't count on remembering what I read. I read a lot slower than others and with low comprehension. I don't even understand a lot of the words I see depending on the material. If none of the therapists saw any impairments in me, why did they have me in group therapy when I was 15, which was basically a social skills group? Why was I in some speech class when I was in 1st and 2nd grade while I was in special ed., as I already mentioned?

    You have no basis to repudiate my explanations of my circumstances and you know it. You're doing this to me because you don't like what I have to say about things. If you keep slandering me, I'll keep mercilessly bashing you and your circumstances. You don't like it when it's done to you.

    "You are undermining what is needed by opposing the philosophy of neurodiversity" Who does that philosophy serve and how? And who is it trying to hurt? What is it needed for?

  22. I probably wouldn't meet the criteria to get some subsidized service due to the lax funding from my government.

    There's only one way to find out!

    What threat to the truth? What truth am I lying about?

    The truth of equality. You won't support it.

    I don't think it's really a minority, but I think I have to look for a psychiatrist that actually deals with disorders that cause mental weakness.

    They all do. That's their job.

    It's up to them to determine a diagnosis, but not to determine that I'm impaired, as it's been obvious to anyone who knows me long enough that I'm very impaired and that I can't help it.

    You bet it's their job to determine if you're impaired, idiot!! And no it is NOT obvious - otherwise you would have had a diagnosis a long time ago! I've already proved it doesn't exist anyway. Laziness is not an impairment.

    My psychiatrist filled out a 4 page form about me which was designed by the agency I go to for vocational help. He filled it out illegibly and incompletely, and I think he's in the process of recompleting it.

    Let us know the result.

    My circumstances aren't due to lazyness. How could lazyness do all of the vile things that have been done to me?

    It's called karma.

    It wouldn't make sense at all. So I responded to you within 2 hours. That's enough time for me to deal with and rebut the antics of someone I'm already familiar with.

    If you had reading problems, no it would not. Far from it. Whether or not you think you know me has nothing to do with it. You still have to read what I say!

    If I was reading a book or article, it would require a long time for me to get just off a first page if I want to understand what I'm reading, and then I couldn't count on remembering what I read.

    If this was true you'd take forever tor espond to anyone - and I don't see that happening!

    I read a lot slower than others and with low comprehension. I don't even understand a lot of the words I see depending on the material.

    You understand enough to learn more. You just don't want to because you are LAZY!!

    If none of the therapists saw any impairments in me, why did they have me in group therapy when I was 15, which was basically a social skills group? Why was I in some speech class when I was in 1st and 2nd grade while I was in special ed., as I already mentioned?

    You weren't. I don't believe you. I mentioned your reputation as a liar. This is the result. No one will believe you, and you have to provide a lot of tangible information to turn that around. Yes - that includes names of places like the Anon demanded.

    You have no basis to repudiate my explanations of my circumstances and you know it.

    You bet I do and I just did it again.

    You're doing this to me because you don't like what I have to say about things.

    I'm doing it because you are dangerous.

    If you keep slandering me, I'll keep mercilessly bashing you and your circumstances. You don't like it when it's done to you.

    At least I can defend myself - which is more than you can do!

    Who does that philosophy serve and how? And who is it trying to hurt? What is it needed for?

    It serves those who are attacked by the likes of you, and everyone who calls those on the Autistic Spectrum "brain damaged", which we are not. It hurts no one (except those who need to be hurt - like Best for instance) and it is needed for equality. Something that you don't believe in, and that's a key reason why you need to be dealt with.

  23. "The truth of equality. You won't support it." You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about with your disordered thinking.
    "They all do. That's their job." They do not all do. I have no recourse against them for their negligence. The system where I am favors them.
    "You bet it's their job to determine if you're impaired, idiot!!" Listen you asswipe, I don't need a professional to know I'm impaired when I know I can't perform basic tasks. It's their job to help me understand my impairments and name the condition. I don't need a meteorologist to tell me it's raining out.

    "And no it is NOT obvious" Yes it is you bastard!! Don't you contradict me you son of a bitch! Nobody has the right to deny my impairments! I have the details to tell of my impairments. I wasn't diagnosed properly because the therapists are accustomed to dealing with lunatics and to peddling pharmaceutical drugs!

    "Let us know the result." I'm waiting for it to come. He wrote some stuff about why the program I was going into would be beneficial to me. He wrote in some number code that I couldn't completely make out. It was 299. something. I couldn't tell if he wrote .00 or .80

    "If you had reading problems, no it would not." Bullshit. It doesn't require a lot of new thought to respond to the obtuse and inane shit that comes from you and many of the other pieces of shit out there. It's not the same thing as reading information packed articles and books. "You understand enough to learn more. You just don't want to because you are LAZY!!" Dammit, you're the lazy person! Get a damn job if it means begging your government on your hands and knees and agreeing to give up your antisocial personality and be compliant, or leave your country if they still don't let you work there!

    "You weren't. I don't believe you. I mentioned your reputation as a liar. This is the result. No one will believe you, and you have to provide a lot of tangible information to turn that around. Yes - that includes names of places like the Anon demanded." You should, because I fucking said so. Nobody else without publicity on here has to go to greater lengths to have their statements assumed to be true. I'm not including names of entities so Anon, which may be you, can contact them and screw with me.

    "I'm doing it because you are dangerous." Dangerous to what/who? Stop acting like a vulnerable little wimp who needs to demonize me to protect himself!

    "It serves those who are attacked by the likes of you, and everyone who calls those on the Autistic Spectrum "brain damaged", which we are not. It hurts no one (except those who need to be hurt - like Best for instance) and it is needed for equality. Something that you don't believe in, and that's a key reason why you need to be dealt with." I don't like that it serves the super high-functioning selfish pigs, who are against equality, by enabling them to exploit the lower-functioning through keeping them down through the status-quo.

  24. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about with your disordered thinking.

    I hit a nerve and you sink to insults. Way to win a debate, idiot!

    They do not all do. I have no recourse against them for their negligence. The system where I am favors them.

    Bullshit! If you have a case for negligence, you get legal help!

    Listen you asswipe, I don't need a professional to know I'm impaired when I know I can't perform basic tasks.

    You CAN perform basic tasks. If you couldn't you wouldn't even be on the Internet. That's another lie exposed. A professional is required to confirm it in order for you to get access to services.

    It's their job to help me understand my impairments and name the condition.

    But they haven't, right? That means you don't have any!!

    I don't need a meteorologist to tell me it's raining out.

    Completely irrelevant.

    Yes it is you bastard!! Don't you contradict me you son of a bitch! Nobody has the right to deny my impairments!

    Yes we do. You're a liar. A cheat. And we've worked you out. Want to stop me? PROVE YOU HAVE IMPAIRMENTS! A good start would be to shut down this blog, because it is proving you wrong every time you type something!

    I have the details to tell of my impairments. I wasn't diagnosed properly because the therapists are accustomed to dealing with lunatics and to peddling pharmaceutical drugs!

    Or they knew there was nothing wrong with you!

    Bullshit. It doesn't require a lot of new thought to respond to the obtuse and inane shit that comes from you and many of the other pieces of shit out there.

    Yes it does. If you refuse to open yourself up to new thought that's your fault. And it's further proof of your laziness.

    It's not the same thing as reading information packed articles and books.

    LOL! You bet it is. Another lie exposed.

    Dammit, you're the lazy person! Get a damn job if it means begging your government on your hands and knees and agreeing to give up your antisocial personality and be compliant, or leave your country if they still don't let you work there!

    I can't leave, idiot! They have to change their tune and that's what I'm doing! Hardly lazy! And I've already told you about the CMO! Ignoring information is lazy, and it also proves that you are willing to be so.

    You should, because I fucking said so.

    Oh wow what an intelligent reparte! You say so? With your rep for lying - THAT'S NOT ENOUGH!!

    Nobody else without publicity on here has to go to greater lengths to have their statements assumed to be true.

    If they have a rep for lying they do.

    I'm not including names of entities so Anon, which may be you, can contact them and screw with me.

    I wasn't even home when the Anon posted (I knew you'd try that typical line) but it doesn't matter. It would only screw you if you lie. Why would I screw with you if I find out you're telling the truth? I'd have to back down and admit you actually told the truth - so it would be a good idea to give!

    Dangerous to what/who? Stop acting like a vulnerable little wimp who needs to demonize me to protect himself!

    Dangerous to everyone on the Autistic Spectrum, because you are a threat to the support structures that are needed for those who are left behind.

    I don't like that it serves the super high-functioning selfish pigs, who are against equality, by enabling them to exploit the lower-functioning through keeping them down through the status-quo.

    This is why you are dangerous. Equality applies to EVERYONE! Including the low functioning. Your claim slanders the concept of neurodiversity and is another example of how dangerous you are.

    One more lie exposed - this post of yours took just 36 minutes! Still can't read or write well? You are so full of shit.

    That's it. I'm done here. No more.

  25. Phil, you really don't make sense sometimes. I think what you say lacks context sometimes. Phil, I don't have legal recourse against a therapist in a broken and corrupt system. If I had recourse recognized by the state, I'd be doing something. I can't help that I'm from a decaying country where standards aren't well mandated.

    "You CAN perform basic tasks. If you couldn't you wouldn't even be on the Internet. That's another lie exposed" Not all basic tasks. I don't know how to speak clearly all of the time, or to express my thoughts or answers in a comprehensible string of words all of the time. I can't read body language well, especially gestures. I sometimes have difficulty understanding things and instructios others tell me. I have weak motor skills in some aspects. I can't drive. I'm forgetful about some things.

    "Completely irrelevant." Ever heard of an analogy?

    "LOL! You bet it is. Another lie exposed." It kinda isn't. You are not making any cogent points here.
    "I can't leave, idiot! They have to change their tune and that's what I'm doing! Hardly lazy! And I've already told you about the CMO! Ignoring information is lazy, and it also proves that you are willing to be so." I'll stop ignoring your information when you stop ignoring mine.

    "Why would I screw with you if I find out you're telling the truth?" Because you don't like me.
    "Dangerous to everyone on the Autistic Spectrum, because you are a threat to the support structures that are needed for those who are left behind." What have you done to further any support structures?

    "Your claim slanders the concept of neurodiversity and is another example of how dangerous you are." Don't call it slander due to ND's reluctance to admit what they're really against. What about the inequality that exists due to the entrenched disparities between the low and high functioning?

  26. Lurker said; "What have you done to further any support structures?"

    These may answer your question. I found them while googling Timelord's real name.
    employment_inquiry/subs1/index.htm (scroll to number 13 - two documents)

  27. Timelord you are a piece of retarded dogshit
    all your wrestling and footy is hobbies
    along with wanking yourself
    you know nothing about autism or aspergers
    because you don't have them
    you are simply a fuckwit


  28. Bad Wolf said...

    "Lurker said; 'What have you done to further any support structures?'

    These may answer your question. I found them while googling Timelord's real name.
    employment_inquiry/subs1/index.htm (scroll to number 13 - two documents)"

    Let me get this straight:

    While there's people out here like me literally going to court when its absolutely needed and as a last resort just to see that the most fundamental core provisions (for things like transportation, literal access to the community so one is not living in a completely restricted environment and is able to live safely and independently as is possible in their own home, safely and without threat of abuse or neglect or starvation) supports and services are provided and upheld for those among us who desperately need them ...

    Phil Gluyas meanwhile is petitioning to have these already precious funds where he lives that were actually designated to actually help people like me who need that help, instead Phil would like to see spent to go after people on the internet that Phil Gluyas has antagonized and that now Phil doesn't like, and to fund Phil's own special interests??

    Phil, you are a perfect glowing example of Neurodiverwsity -- and don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise.


    -- the very same 'lowly inferior LFA' who Phil Gluyas has repeatedly and loudly proclaimed he'd be all too happy to see stripped of any and all life supports and services -- and instead would like to see me returned to a prior institutional life.

    Somebody desperately needs to come along and protect us (people who actually HAVE Autism, most of us which can't even speak for ourselves to defend ourselves from every day things, let alone a mess like this) from these so called "Autistic Advocates' such as Phil Gluyas, Amanda Baggs, Ari Ne'eman and the rest of the horribly hypocritical self-serving at our expense nightmare plague which bills itself as "Neurodiversity"
