I just can't keep ignoring Kowalski's affront to real mentally disabled people who really have to deal with getting services from one's government due to really needing them. She's been implying lately that she is really impaired, partly by claiming that she needs government benefits and even a caregiver from the government to visit her, while what she writes about herself belies any such need. She was complaining that her caregiver hasn't visited in a while and that she needs help applying for benefits. And now she claims she has a cleaner. I bet she doesn't consider how ironic it is that she complains of living in a nanny state, while the goals she moans in favor of would leave real disabled autistics permanently beholden to and dependent on the same kind of nanny states she mentions.
She knows it would appear extra brutal and mean if she railed against the need of cure of the truly disabled on the spectrum, if she was known to others as someone who isn't impaired and is highly capable. I can still tell what a monster she is. If only she didn't portray herself as a downtrodden and unfortunate member of some underclass, I wonder how she would bolster her credibility to talk so much about issues of mental disability, especially of her nonsensical incessant application of banal identity politics to autism. There isn't much else to see in what she writes besides ableism this, ableist that, amongst other drivel she rants about. Why should she be considered as being serious with real disabilty issues while she rants on so much about unrelated issues?
This liar even claimed that successful autistics are all throughout the spectrum, due to perseveration, as if nobody on the spectrum is deprived of the mental resources needed to produce success. From that, one would likely conclude that unsuccessful ones just need to keep at what they're trying to do and to try harder, and that highly successful ones just succeeded due to persistence and not due to starting out with a high amount of potential which they didn't work for. I think the ones with impairments have struggled enough. This woman is extremely disgusting to me. I hope there aren't too many out there who are convinced by her distortions, as that would prevent true progress.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Phil Gluyas resents disabled autistics
Phil Gluyas is at it again contradicting things I say on the blog he uses to bash me, doing so using no sense at all. He tried to defend the conclusions made from the currently useless UK study I complained about, by saying that the autistics in institutions are a "rather large minority", whatever the fuck that means. This creep is trying to pretend the ones living in those shitholes don't count or don't still exist in significant numbers. He likely hasn't even considered that there could be ones who are homeless. He explains the study saying some shit about specialized employment programs and assimilation into society.
Now this bastard has said that LFAs aren't disabled, and that they're only disabled if they choose to be!! Then he viciously attacked someone's character, by giving an example of one he claims chose to be disabled. Then he went on with the usual inane bullshit that the impairment comes from society. How isn't he contradicting himself when he says that society causes impairment but an LFA is disabled by choice? I wonder how one is to choose not to be disabled. How does one abide by that suck it up, work harder till you drop ideal? I wonder what he expects them to do and try to do. I wonder what pitfalls he would warn them about, considering he once said this: "I constantly find LF's that try to operate like HF's and fail badly - and gives us all a bad name in the process" This mook doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's clearly been following the tactics and explanations of the rest of the neurodiverse freaks, unlike when he used to say what he really thought. He continues to be extremely self-centered and self-loving, and seems to think everything revolves around him, and that he is the final authority on anything he wants to talk about. But Phil isn't too popular with the other ND pushers, but it seems they keep him around to intimidate others and shout them down for going against ND. He's been quoted by others on Aspies For Freedom as saying: “Why do you think she was booted from AFF - aside from being a SELF CONFESSED LFA! (who BTW are INHERENTLY not intelligent – unlike HFA and Aspergers!"
He caught a lot of flack on there for saying that, so then he on that forum defended what he said using his clear understanding that IQ is a sign of functioning level. He even said a particular person was LFA because he thought her contributions to the internet are "hollow and repetitive". He was eventually banned from AFF. ND doesn't consider what he says to be a problem enough for them to go against him and forgo using him for their dictatorial cause. Alongside that, the stronger neurodiverse influence over his disordered ideas, is obvious now as he still works with them.
He still maintains his humungous ego through his ridiculous blogs that bash me and others when we make posts, along with his group of obscure assholes who back him up on his insults of others. I bet they're sock puppets of his. He bans my IP from his website and if I try to go on there it says: "has been banned as it has been used by a person or persons who represent a threat to the mental health of the owner of this website" What a pretentious jerk off! Anyone who sticks to their disagreement with him to his face, is supposedly a threat to his precious vulnerable mental health, which needs delicate protection, as if this lunatic has any mental health!
Now this bastard has said that LFAs aren't disabled, and that they're only disabled if they choose to be!! Then he viciously attacked someone's character, by giving an example of one he claims chose to be disabled. Then he went on with the usual inane bullshit that the impairment comes from society. How isn't he contradicting himself when he says that society causes impairment but an LFA is disabled by choice? I wonder how one is to choose not to be disabled. How does one abide by that suck it up, work harder till you drop ideal? I wonder what he expects them to do and try to do. I wonder what pitfalls he would warn them about, considering he once said this: "I constantly find LF's that try to operate like HF's and fail badly - and gives us all a bad name in the process" This mook doesn't know what he's talking about.
He's clearly been following the tactics and explanations of the rest of the neurodiverse freaks, unlike when he used to say what he really thought. He continues to be extremely self-centered and self-loving, and seems to think everything revolves around him, and that he is the final authority on anything he wants to talk about. But Phil isn't too popular with the other ND pushers, but it seems they keep him around to intimidate others and shout them down for going against ND. He's been quoted by others on Aspies For Freedom as saying: “Why do you think she was booted from AFF - aside from being a SELF CONFESSED LFA! (who BTW are INHERENTLY not intelligent – unlike HFA and Aspergers!"
He caught a lot of flack on there for saying that, so then he on that forum defended what he said using his clear understanding that IQ is a sign of functioning level. He even said a particular person was LFA because he thought her contributions to the internet are "hollow and repetitive". He was eventually banned from AFF. ND doesn't consider what he says to be a problem enough for them to go against him and forgo using him for their dictatorial cause. Alongside that, the stronger neurodiverse influence over his disordered ideas, is obvious now as he still works with them.
He still maintains his humungous ego through his ridiculous blogs that bash me and others when we make posts, along with his group of obscure assholes who back him up on his insults of others. I bet they're sock puppets of his. He bans my IP from his website and if I try to go on there it says: "has been banned as it has been used by a person or persons who represent a threat to the mental health of the owner of this website" What a pretentious jerk off! Anyone who sticks to their disagreement with him to his face, is supposedly a threat to his precious vulnerable mental health, which needs delicate protection, as if this lunatic has any mental health!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Starving the trolls
Sadderbutwisergirl has a new post up where she pretends that a diagnosis/label of aspergers is something that some autistics are just "dubbed" with, as if it has nothing to do with apparent level of disability and lack thereof. She also went on portraying the curing of those who are low-functioning as an extermination, typical of her hysteria where she likes to accuse anyone who favors cure of being a nazi. I think it's interesting that she let it slip that she knows that there are varying degrees of disability within the spectrum. She then went on with a misleading bizarre interpretation of the curative approach to the problem, and then she throws in a quote from Orwell. Damn, I hate it when so many individuals make hackneyed references to Orwell to prop up reactionary ideals, and to belittle helpful progressive measures.
She deleted all of my comments on her post after a while. She accused me somewhere of having only skimmed over her post. She even refers to my commenting with my opinion as "derailing the conversation", when conversation wasn't even really happening anyway. She, like the others, wouldn't mind having a dissent-free group think conversation, with nothing but pats on the back, and extra phony rhetoric in an echo chamber. Any talking to them that disagrees with them, is called trolling by them over and over. Then they come up with new slogans/phrases like "don't feed the trolls" and "concern troll". They often can't come up with anything cogent to refute what's been said to them, so their insults tell me that they're just full of shit.
I wonder if that accusation of skimming is just another example of those on her side deeming anyone who doesn't agree with what they say as having not listened to them, as if knowing what they say must lead one to agree with it as if it's fact. I don't like how she pretends to be some underdog prone to being mistreated, who so self-righteously knows so much better than others about how to handle these issues, sometimes with her black and white thinking, just because some entities have been assholes to her in the past. She is neither sad nor wise.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fudging the numbers
I saw a new post by abfh, where she claims that most autistic adults are employed, citing a recent UK study about autistic adults, which was discussed by Joseph. That study only included ones living in houses, not ones living in institutions. That is obvious from just looking at the title of the study. I wonder what excuse she has for omitting that important fact which shatters the validity of what she concluded from the study. I think she's very comfortable with that lie, as it's part of the recent tactic of the neurodiverse hysterics, to pretend and try to get people to believe that the low-functioning don't really exist, by claiming they're only a small minority of the spectrum, among other nonsense. Since they could not justify to enough people their anti-cure crusade to maintain the obvious wide disparities in ability within the spectrum, they now resort to deny reality even further through implying that almost nobody on the spectrum is impaired, like autism only concerns high-functioning poindexters.
I even saw someone basically say that the majority even of LFA aren't very impaired. Corina commented on the blog that Phil Gluyas made to rebut and bash me, that it can't be assumed that anyone labeled HFA is less disabled than someone labeled LFA, as she says she sees no evidence of that. She pretends to know so fucking much as she departs from common sense and common knowledge on autism. I wonder if she'd like to imply that she has more impairments than someone who is LFA. She also implies somewhere else that Aspergers makes up a very large part of the 1 in 100 prevalence statistic. She implies I'm full of shit by saying that all I know about autism is from unnamed internet sources, because I don't specifically enumerate the various sources I've received information about autism from. I'd like to know where this phony bitch gets her information, and what autistics she chooses to interact with to base her claims on. The cruelty by which they deny what is going on is amazing, and they act like it's a joke.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
response to "Kowalski Discovers The Cure!"
Someone called Kowalski says the idea of a cure for the disabling aspects of autism doesn't make sense, as she claims the disabling aspects are the "flipsides" of the amazing capabilities that "they" have. Well, that seems so convincing since she decided not to mention that the disabling aspects are concentrated in the autistics who are lower functioning, the same ones who get few of the benefits, while the ones on the spectrum who get the lion's share of the amazing capabilities, are often the ones who aren't saddled with the burden of the disabling aspects, and go on without impairments. So when it comes to an individual, the disabling aspects aren't inseparable from the capabilities. But across the spectrum, the flipsides are inherent.
This is another instance of an anti-cure slime disregarding and lying about the tremendous gap in functional level between the very high-functioning aspies and the similar, and the low-functioning. Some of them even pretend to be disgusted by the idea of involving hierarchy, by saying they don't like the hierarchy that the use of high and low functioning labels creates! Heeelllooo?! The hierarchy is already around, and has been around for a long time, the same hierarchy that you benefit from, and consequently support and defend with considerable effort! What do you think it's called the autistic SPECTRUM for? These phonies are not clueless about the unfair reality, and are basically trying to distract and confuse others from it and about it, to keep themselves from looking like the greedy elites that they really are!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Phonies encouraging cowardice
Where does Kim Wombles get off talking of community building? She doesn't give a shit about having any egalitarian community. Stand up for those who can't stand for themselves? She doesn't want them to be capable of standing for themselves in pursuit of their own interests or to even know they have a natural right to do so. What can this lead to besides the paternalistic caregivers/protectors bolstering their higher position in society while aggrandizing themselves further, and then telling the vulnerable ones that they "protect", what they do and do not have a right to?
Redefine success she says? I'm disgusted at what she redefines it as. Being of service to others as success means shit in that context. The hell with living to serve; to serve those of a higher stratum! I hate the idea of accepting and settling for mediocre outcomes. Success won't need to be redefined for the fortunate ones on the spectrum who aren't mentally impaired, as they get even extra success. Make the world a "softer" place? What a bunch of cornball nonsense! What is the point of this phony "acceptance"? This has nothing to do with caring about dignity and prosperity for all! She has no business complaining about "dehumanization" while her goal only guarantees the lower functioning the social status of pets!
Why shouldn't the parents be disappointed if they care for their childrens' future? The disappointment isn't much different from the disappointment that is experienced by the unfortunate autistic individuals themselves. I wonder which autistic individuals she wants the issues in the autistic community to be about, and who she thinks those same individuals should get to enforce their will on. Kickass kumbaya?! What kind of bullshit is that? I call it kissass kumbaya, as it involves kissing the asses of the privileged pigs who want to be in charge, while letting those creeps undermine future chances for drastic therapeutic help that would bring so much fortune to those without it!
Screw the idea of all involved getting along and pretending everything is fine, and that all of them have the same advantage and are getting a decent deal, with a bunch of phony smiles on their faces! That makes me want to hurl! No peace. No kumbaya until the enemies lose their grip on control and real reform is done. Euphemism saturated positivity bullshit won't fix anything! Her benevolent attitude seems very phony considering her comparison of one parent's efforts at therapy for her child to Munchausen's syndrome, and her thinking that parents who dare complain about their child's condition should be smacked upside the head to bring them back to "reality". I'd like to see her and that other snotty liar Corina who also likes the idea try it. I wonder how it would turn out for them.
Monday, September 14, 2009
listen up nutjobs!
What would timelord and the other guy do if they didn't have me to bash? Where do you get off calling me "lazy" after all you heard of me?! What makes you so much more diligent than me? Whether or not I personally don't deserve to be spared of your ridicule isn't the issue to me. I would detest letting you make an example out of me, making out what you do to me a reason why one shouldn't dare stand against the agenda you defend. I also hate that you ridicule and try to undermine others who really are innocent. I can't ignore that you and your phony friends use me to try to boost your egos and reputations, anytime I raise an objection, even well after I said something! I think you get too much pleasure from demonizing me. And timelord, stop trying to silence me! Stop trying to muzzle anyone who doesn't tolerate your crazy ideas!
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